Get User Wallet Info

The "Get Wallet info" endpoint provides information about the authenticated user and their associated wallets. Use this endpoint to retrieve user details and wallet information.



  • Method: GET

  • URL: /user

  • Field: Authorization

  • Value: Bearer + (Access token)


Success (Code 200)

  "user": {
    "identifier": "", 
     "id": "5ebac534954b54139806c112",
  "wallets": [
      "id": "656ab9db6a378b91ab1871be",
      "address": "0x8e9DD3c1Db3254d968967CbC367542C343273629",
      "smartAccount": "0x8e9DD3c1Db3254d968967CbC367542C343273629",
      "custodial": true,
      "user": "5ebac534954b54139806c112"
  • user: User information.

    • id: User ID.

    • identifier: User's email address.

  • wallets: Array of user wallets.

    • id: Wallet ID.

    • address: Wallet address.

    • custodial: Indicates whether the wallet is custodial (true/false).

    • user: User ID associated with the wallet.

    • smartAccount: Smart Account address for account abstraction and paymaster.

  • Media Type: application/json

  • Example Value: An object containing the all information about the user.

Unauthorized (Code 401)

  "code": 401,
  "message": "Please Authenticate"
  • Media Type: application/json

  • Example Value: An error response indicating unauthorized access.

Internal Server Error (Code 500)

  "error": "Internal Server Error"
  • Media Type: application/json

  • Example Value: An error response indicating an internal server error.


  1. Once connected to the Xerial server use the given access token to request the User account and Wallet information.

  2. Send a GET request to the /api/user endpoint to retrieve user information and associated wallets.

  3. Handle the response accordingly based on success, unauthorized access or internal server error.

Note: Ensure the user is authenticated before making the request.

Last updated