MarketPlace Manager

The MarketPlaceManager class is responsible for managing marketplace-related operations within Unity applications using the Xerial services.


It initializes instances of various classes responsible for handling marketplace functionalities and provides methods to interact with studio collections, listed NFTs, and community-listed NFTs.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xerial;

public class MarketPlaceManager
// Implementation details


// Instantiate MarketPlaceManager
MarketPlaceManager marketPlaceManager = new MarketPlaceManager();


// Initializes a new instance of the MarketPlaceManager class.

public MarketPlaceManager()
// Initialization of class members
    getStudioCollections = new GetStudioCollections();
    requestListedNFTs = new RequestListedNFTs();
    requestNFTListing = new RequestNFTListing();
    requestNFTPurchase = new RequestNFTPurchase();
    getCommunityListedNFTs = new GetCommunityListedNFTs();
    requestSecondaryNFTPurchase = new RequestSecondaryNFTPurchase();


  • getStudioCollections: An instance of the GetStudioCollections class responsible for fetching studio collections.

  • requestListedNFTs: An instance of the RequestListedNFTs class responsible for requesting listed NFTs.

  • requestNFTListing: An instance of the RequestNFTListing class responsible for requesting NFT listings.

  • requestNFTPurchase: An instance of the RequestNFTPurchase class responsible for requesting NFT purchases.

  • getCommunityListedNFTs: An instance of the GetCommunityListedNFTs class responsible for fetching community-listed NFTs.

  • requestSecondaryNFTPurchase: An instance of the RequestSecondaryNFTPurchase class responsible for requesting secondary NFT purchases.

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