Transfer Chain Native Currency
The "Transfer Chain Native Currency" endpoint allows you to transfer the native currency of a specific blockchain from one wallet address to another on the Polygon Network.
(Path Parameter): Sender's wallet address (string).chain
(Path Parameter): Blockchain (string). Available values:polygon
Request Body
Media Type: application/json
Example Value:
Success (Code 200)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An object containing the transaction hash for the successful transfer.
Unauthorized (Code 401)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An error response indicating unauthorized access.
Forbidden (Code 403)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An error response indicating forbidden access.
Not Found (Code 404)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An error response indicating that the sender's wallet was not found.
Method Not Allowed (Code 405)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An error response indicating that the method is not allowed for non-custodial wallets.
Precondition Failed (Code 412)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An error response indicating that the sender does not have the NFT.
Internal Server Error (Code 500)
Media Type: application/json
Example Value: An error response indicating an internal server error.
Send a POST request to the
endpoint to initiate the transfer of the native currency.Include the required parameters and request body in the request.
Handle the response accordingly based on success, unauthorized access, forbidden access, not found, method not allowed, precondition failed, or internal server error.
Note: Ensure the wallet address and blockchain chain are valid. Verify the user's authentication status and permissions before initiating the transfer.
Last updated