Transaction Proccessing Errors

Unauthorized (Code 401)

  "code": 401,
  "message": "Please Authenticate"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating unauthorized access.

Forbidden (Code 403)

  "code": 403,
  "message": "Forbidden"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating forbidden access.

Not Found (Code 404)

  "code": 404,
  "message": "Wallet Not Found"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating that the wallet was not found.

Method Not Allowed (Code 405)

  "code": 405,
  "message": "This Method Is Not Supported For Non-Custodial Wallets"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating that the method is not allowed for non-custodial wallets.

Precondition Failed (Code 412)

  "code": 412,
  "message": "Precondition Failed"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating that the precondition failed.

Transfer NFT Precondition Failed (Code 412)

  "code": 412,
  "message": "You don't have this NFT"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating that the user does not have the specified NFT.

  • Example Value: An error response indicating .

Internal Server Error (Code 500)

  "error": "Internal Server Error"
  • code: Error code.

  • message: Error message indicating an internal server error.

Last updated

Change request #16: lucenaluis137's Dec 28 changes